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Progressive Web Applications

Progressive Web App Development Company

A Progressive Web App (PWA) uses modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like experience to users, It is a set of best practices to make a web application function similar to a desktop or mobile application. PWA development is so uniform and seamless that the user is unable to tell the difference between a Progressive Web App and a native mobile app.

Typically, apps should always support both Android and iOS devices. They ought to run smoothly on various hardware, and be compatible with a host of platform versions. Additionally, device categories beyond smartphone and tablets have emerged, which makes multi-platform support even trickier. Truly developing an app once and serving the multitude of possible targets remains an issue despite having cross-platform frameworks that are acknowledged by practice and research. With our deep research , we at OXO Solutions® have analysed the foundations of PWAs in cross-platform development and scrutinize the status quo of current possibilities. We seek to stimulate interest and narrow the immense gap that has arisen since industry started to embrace PWAs.

Features of Progressive Web Apps

Works Offline

PWA works efficiently with low internet speed and runs smoothly with less data consumption, save the webpage and it will work offline.


PWAs provide experiences that are consistently flying. once you cache the data, it is extremely fast to start the app again even without hitting the network

Integrated User Experience

PWAs feel and behave like native apps. They sit in a user’s home screen, send push notifications like native apps, and have access to a device’s functionalities


The app should keep the users engaged. A PWA provides features like push notification, home screen icon, full-screen and offline first app to glorify user engagement.


PWAs are easy to install and can be shared through URL. They provide a great user experience as they are fast, secure and reliable all With the help of Service Worker.

Increased engagement

Web push notifications help users to visit the webpage keeping the user engaging with the product and users spend twice as much time on the site increases engagement rate

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